How is the Drive Nitro Walker? I asked!

I saw a guy at the gym yesterday using a Drive Nitro Rollator Walker so I went up and asked him ‘how is the Drive Nitro Walker?’

I admitted to him that I knew it was a strange question and went on to explain that I had written a review of the Drive Nitro and have my own experience with it, but I wanted to hear his opinion. I see the Drive Nitro Rollator Walkers around town a lot so I know they are popular and I wanted to hear how he liked his.

I’ll share with you what he told me…the good and the bad. I’ll also share a link to the detailed review I wrote to help you if you are considering buying one.


His Overall Impression

How is the Drive Nitro WalkerFirst of all, Bob is the gentleman’s name and he was more than excited to talk with me about his Drive Nitro Rollator. He told me that this was his fourth one!

Fourth one??

He laughed and told me that he beats the crap out of them. They are so sturdy and so well-made but he puts them through the ringer. He’s an active guy (I see him at the gym every day) so I’m not surprised.

He says he LOVES everything about the Drive Nitro Rollator except for one thing (which I’ll share with you in a minute). But first, I’ll tell you what he loves most about them.


Best Features

Here is what Bob says are the best features of the Drive Nitro.

Big front wheels

He loves the turning radius of the large front wheels and he says they are great for outdoor use. He can take it anywhere and not worry about it getting stuck or maneuvering rough terrain. It’s one of the best mobility aids available.

Brake cables are concealed

The brake cables are concealed so they don’t get in the way or get caught on anything. Apparently he had that issue with a different rollator walker he used in the past so he really likes this feature.

Lightweight yet sturdy

Since he beats the crap out of it, he likes that it is well-made. The aluminum frame is very strong and takes a beating.

The sporty look

He likes the fact that it doesn’t look like a walker and that it has a sporty feel to it. I have to admit, I have always liked the Drive Nitro from the first time I saw them.



Ok, now to the one thing Bob does not like about the Drive Nitro Rollator.

The handlebar attachments

Bob uses the Rollator as a seat quite often when he’s out and about. When he gets up he tends to use the handlebars as leverage to push himself up to a standing position.

As I mentioned, the frame is made of aluminum but the handlebar is attached to the frame with a plastic attachment (although it’s a sturdy plastic). However, Bob says that over time and with continuous use, the handlebar attachment tends to weaken.


My detailed review

I wrote a detailed review of the Drive Nitro Medical Rollator Walker if you want to check it out and get more information. I have not of heard any other issues with the handlebar construction but it’s a good thing to know as you consider your options.

If you have any questions please leave a note in the comment section below and I’ll get back to you right away.

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